Monday, June 22, 2015

I see by my eyes

I am afraid that she will get lost I am afraid that after my parents I will get alone I am afraid I will be having no value that's the basic thing we all possess ad that's the main thing which bother in every person life . my life is not a life from rags to riches or much like a travelling job but my life is a simple one a guy got crush on a girl his one aided love fell in a dream fantasy and trying to impress her the best possible way and ended up in meeting another girl and accepting the fate that things are not really in your hands to decide and its matter or chance if you get something good its your luck and if you don't then it is gods will . nobody can control time and people who do they might be doing some sort of magic . not talking about the lateral category and understanding the truth which I am seeing life is most amazing thing happened to us and when when we were born and felt the fresh air of  this world our natural emotion was crying and sleeping and sleeping a lot man .when we grow up we move through different phases child to school going then a collage going where we get laid or achieve awesome from there we start. Our journey to the world of people of different commitments which has maxi man impact on our lives because at this stage the comparison and status matters because people judge you what you are what your family background is what your status what kind of girlfriend you have is she hot or not!!! What is your manner they have kind of certain parameters to judge you completely. In this stage you tend to get  very less people who accept the way you bare and I guess these are those people  who are accepting you the way you are because they have no other choice to accept you because they are themselves rejected and seeking for the rejected people like them. But in this process  you learn this living you also tend to have secrets you get involved in such activities which everybody do but nobody accept openly that he or she do this that hypocrisy I say. Most of the things are related to drinking alcohol smoking taking drugs and most important SEX. Some of the people wanted to do these things  but they don't do it and  suppress their feeling and get trouble in their head of moral conscience .yes people are like that and its really not their fault when they were kid they saw this environment only and they registered such kind out thing that that's the way we live here so they are doing the same what was once seen by them some of them try to reason and very few live the reality. Talking about the freedom among men and women yes women are only physically delicate few of then become bodybuilder and maximum of them are soft spoken still they are considered second rated in India . they are vulnerable but when they mimic the things done by men if she smokes she is showing the signs of slutiness and bitch if she drinks in the company of men she is slut and if she is is doing all of the above she is seen by very strange looks even by other women .that's what I call dubious. In all of these when you get married in India its very important affair
.you get judged maximum its very frustrating when all the relatives all around and many stupid things happens.  After all this life we spent pleasing people and getting pleased. By people we are doing everything what other wants and the way we can get accepted among this society of people. There is one more truth you can't fight  everybody but you definitely can live among them according to the rules of your society ..
Just think it over !!!!!

Whats real ?

I am loveing through a moment of chains around me my life is simple and sober loving on the path of conflicts and confusion when I see people they keep on moving and the love which is along the journey I am moving on . that dream in my eyes that scent of my life that yellow bright sauna and green grass that yellow flower and that tree the essence of the dream is in my mind my thought .I feel like a cool breeze of air is moving all around and all the emotions are pouring heavily in me but after some time it fades away and I feel like a normal being . this life full of imaginative situations is nothing but imagination and merely and illusion in which we all live and wonder from childhood some of them comes out of it and some of them grew I feel like a child like person who demands and always wanted to play and play and want to be happy . the lessons of life I see and lived I want to continue but some people important to me are mature enough to take me along with them to the path they are moving and some of those very important people are scared that they will get hurt from the people around them but I am not afraid and I fight with the remaining people around me and I cease to be a grownup but I am forced to be an adult and I accept I am not .there is all blue sky around me and the bright yellow light I see which changes its colour .life moves on and so do people so what's there which we live for we eat we breath its not we think but to feel the wonders around us think it over the wonders but are they really worth of we are still living in fantasy so what is reality what is this development what is this social gathering the feel of  fear happy sad emotions everything we learn so what's natural .