Thursday, October 22, 2015

Father and child

Let me tell you a story there was a boy who was always smiling and he love to play .he always want to do painting because his father use to paint when he was a chil .when his fathers de a big statue he also made a wonderful statue .His father use to bring him lots and lots of books and Magazines and he never read but he use to tore the pages of magazines and use to make paper planes . when his father saw he collected all the paper planes he flown and collecte it an aim gave it to his child and told books are not meant to make planes it is to study . From that day he got interested in reading books an collecting it more . He was always a playful boy .when he grew up he started reading comics and he use to read a lot and lots of comics. He was groomed to believe that books are ultimate things to use and to be around .this was taught to him . He always did what his father did .he learnt many things from his father .

The time I am

For a broken heart
The crushed dreams 
I see myself standing
The time which is passing
The time I wished to spend 
Everything is going 
Slipping through my hand 
Sometimes when I see it
My time her time 
Everything is facing a hardship
I am there to open my arms
To embrace her love
But things go wrong 
I am all sad
All sadness around my love
How could I embrace her
Embracing my life 
Was the important thing I earner
My wisdom of world is futile
All I am here is sitting in dark 
Dark are the forest that I see
Darkness is the thing I all see
I see her sadden eyes 
Draped in attires I wish 
I could buy 

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

It's been a while

Do you really believe in love ? Do you really believe that everything will be fine? Do you think that every time you want something you didn't get it? Yes life has given many  things and it take more from you .Its  like we don't accept the reality. What ever is shown on TV whatever you see in entertainment whatever you see the need of technology the urge to buy a new smartphone the urge to have excitement in life  the urge to do something different . But do you live in reality I can see many posts on Facebook there are million tweets on Internet people will cool thinking people with cool names people with twisted thoughts  . I read people thinking I read their  frustration . I know what it's been like to live in India I sound very strange that what I  am talking about we are young India is young the people of 80s are finding it difficult to accept what is happening everything is mixing up . The values which were taught earlier and the values which we see are totally different thing.Openess and new way of living  it is making me difficult to adjust  althoughsome people are adaptable. I am finding this society boring no new challenge no new excitement just societal  modernisation and much more rebirt of women rules and engagements .

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Natures wonder

I traveled across seas
I roam through the jungles
What I see sweat behind
All the rumbles
There is no limit of nature
Nature is indeed a paradise
We dig holes through it
Tasting its wonders
I roam through the seas
Setting myself free
I walk through the mountains
But everything I do
I search the values
Why I do and what I do
The moment I question
I question about its existence
Why it is beautiful why it is like ?
I question about it
I question
Myself about my existence
I question about the existence of GOD

Monday, September 14, 2015

No love

The time has changed
Priorities do
I wish I could have never loved you
Even if I don't live you
I still can't live without you
What is this dilemma
I am into is it a guilt feeling
Sinking me into
I wish I could have never loved you
Spoiling each others life
Dragging my self interest into

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Face your fear

Wen u face the fears and embrace it u are winner it shows you are alive why yo fear anything which is difficult to conquer at least you tried if you were unable to finish it at first it at first place . I am going for a 12 km run I am afraid if I am able to compel eye it or not but I have to kill this fear  today. I will succeed today because it's just a fear and the lesson learnt is so not be afraid if you don't know the result because u don't know what is next and anything which we don't know we are afraid of it most .

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Tired and empty

It's another day in the morning
I woke up with your call
I felt nothing as earlier I use to 
It's just another day in the morning 
Priorities and things have changed now 
The independence have taken over 
The mean identity has taken its toll 
What you want to do with it what you gain 
One mans pains is other mans gain 
You get satisfaction to be 
But what I wanted was a surrender 
A surrender of everything from you 
It was not just a test but I wanted my life 
Life to be like this 
I just wanted the things to be happily after
Now it's very difficult for me to open up again
Think whatever you want to do 
Do whatever you wanted to think 
If you want to blame blame me I am standing her 
I have no strength to fight it 
Let the hints go as it is 
I tried to make things fine
But time has changed and every wish I wanted was not a reality but an illusion 
I care for u but still
I will continue loving you 
Continue to fulfil my duty
But the time has changed 
Let's wear a mask of happiness
Because I am tired now to make things right
I am tired now to sacrifice ......

Tired and empty

It's another day in the morning
I woke up with your call
I felt nothing as earlier I use to 
It's just another day in the morning 
Priorities and things have changed now 
The independence have taken over 
The mean identity has taken its toll 
What you want to do with it what you gain 
One mans pains is other mans gain 
You get satisfaction to be 
But what I wanted was a surrender 
A surrender of everything from you 
It was not just a test but I wanted my life 
Life to be like this 
I just wanted the things to be happily after
Now it's very difficult for me to open up again
Think whatever you want to do 
Do whatever you wanted to think 
If you want to blame blame me I am standing her 
I have no strength to fight it 
Let the hints go as it is 
I tried to make things fine
But time has changed and every wish I wanted was not a reality but an illusion 
I care for u but still
I will continue loving you 
Continue to fulfil my duty
But the time has changed 
Let's wear a mask of happiness
Because I am tired now to make things right
I am tired now to sacrifice ......


Life is as simple u think 
Broken promises and relationships 
You think people are there 
Yes they are staring in your eyes 
Watching our pain
You think people are there 
Yes they are busy in their life
Walking down the street 
Damaged people and relationships 
Can be mend
But the scars are always left behind 

Friday, July 31, 2015

My child hood friend

Days without you are never easy
U think that I am busy
Yes I am but in the back of my mind 
U are there
How can i miss you 
I always wanted to kiss you 
But dreams you have 
Dreams I have 
They play important part in our life
Something you want to be 
Something I wanted to be 
Which has created a something  in us
I want to be a child who has no worry
Who loves everybody plays with everyone 
I wanted you to be a child 
When two childs meet 
They form an unconditional team 
They play with each other 
Without judging 
They trust they wait they play 
That's why they are childhood friend

Thursday, July 30, 2015

The arrow in my Heart

Do you really think I don't love you it hurts me
More than others when I fight when I am sad when I see I am not able to fulfil my duty towards you . I feel guilty that I am not able to provide  you the things you  need . I am all immature in treating you well you say but what can I say that everything I do goes wrong when the words you say Pearce my heart . 

Trader of love

I am here for you
Waiting for the words 
Words of love from your Lips
 I am tired of this journey alone
I met many travellers in my journey
Most of them were rich traders 
Who I wanted to trade with my heart
They were rich traders of wealth 
I was a Rich man of love
But they keep on moving with me 
Exploiting my resources
When I met you I saw
I saw you promised me 
The bond of words 
engraved in my heart
Which can't be rubbed off
I became a child of love in your hands
My whole world was within your smile 
This place I call a desert
Again got rich with compassion 
O my dear trader of love make me
Make me a rich merchant again 
My bags full of love and joy
My bags full of compassion
O my rich merchant of love 
Come to me and live with me again 
I am all lost in this vast desert of traders 
Who only mean business
I feel like I am lost among them . 

Monday, July 27, 2015

Life as u live

What should I say when I want to achieve much more my expectations from myself rose to a level I have ever imagined . But a constant work and practice and practice will lead me to my job well done . Patience and patience is what I need my anger will spoil me and will definitely leave me alone . I got a family which needs me every much they are damaged very damaged an I have to mend the tears in their eyes but I have to control my behaviour so be smart be addictive for a man refuel behaviour be Human be life. 

Friday, July 17, 2015

Where are you going ?

 If Are you hungry ? That's the question I see for myself every moment these days I am doing nothing I have long office hours doing one thing that's nothing and my mind is detoxifying the things I should not  do and toxofyomg with boredome. One thing I have gained is that I come to know of in future I have no work I am dealing with this situation I have to keep mysel engage in best possible way because empty mind is the most troubled  bridge u are travelling on. If you drink u end up with fat belly and all of the ideas u can think of would be fruitless u can see. People around you will be amazingly working when you see you are doing nothing other wise we never have any values for others work and what about respecting them . That's what I see and perceive . There is no boredome in life it's about a part of your life where you are not doing something or anything that interest you or you do it with your heart and attention you do it because you just do t and you simple pass your time . That's what I did for past 20 ads I watched movies read books slept in afternoons had my meals roamed around  but in the end what I did I gained nothing. In all this process and my activities my self discipline was lacking totally and completely . If I am not focussed much so what I am generally doing I am not improving I don't say u keep on stressing  yourself after all it's your own life but what I see is  you are what you think you want and my friend more than you people always judge you whether you can be socially accepted in their lies if you want to you start working and make your presence felt or otherwise the other part of the story is do what you want to do but for that sometimes you have to be hungry and homeless a time will come when the people who are dependent onto you need youost and want something from you try expect from you  about the security you promise to provide them what will you do at that time and that moment ? Do you have answer neither I do have . That's the truth you cannot follow or preach your religion  if you are hungry if you have no food . So have a plan have a back up . I heard that this time this  is soft generation who does not have any heart to face the realities it s a Facebook socialising culture we are living in . This is soft generation this  is android generation where you are you are customising your life every time and not sticking to the basic needs you want to boot up your life very quickly with high speed ram you want a very high definition life not realising ou are the only one who is troubling your self . Come out of they're you have inside you stop behavin like a computer program feel the air instead of taking pictures of food eat it what the use of the picture of sea with sunset go into the water and feel the waves while you see sunset . Stop living in illusion of development don't let new way of living dictate your life . 

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

The messed up time

 I am not happy the way I wanted my life to be I am at a point where I am in a very difficult position to  adjust with life I was thinking life would be easy but you always loose battle when the opponent is your own dear and you really don't know what to do. I feel weak and dejected but I try not to lose hope and pray for the things to be happy and satisfying for everybody. I I don't know why everybody is on rush to earn living why they can't be satisfied what they have what couples have arguments even they know both are different and they have nothing in common with each other . I have issues and I know it can be solved if we wish to but I can't compromise everything is said sometimes it is job sometimes it is woman issues  the equality damn what is my mistake if it was shown to us since childhood the differences but if things are wrong we can change .They should not be against us but against our perception and they can change our thinking and make us understand slowely and with love and compassion instead of accusing us for everything like we are responsible of each and everything from past many years this was accepted and was working like this and not only we men were accepting it but women around us were also accepting it . They accus us about inequity our mothers since childhood Says our school teachers says are your girl that you always cry now where is our mistake it was taught to us like that but now if somebody uploads a video indicating this and they are making awareness about the fact to rise against domestic violence and even boys have a soft heart and not only girls cry but reaction towards men what's their mistake . Not every man or woman are same they are different in their behaviour so why does they are only accused why they are alway targeted that  all men are  the same . Yes this is Aman dominated world but that not the case yes everything changed even women was having same status like men it is evident from the story of Mahabharata every man was addressed by his mother name women are always kept above all but I don't know where the gap happened  thyat erased the social status of women and today women are fighting for their existence causing much trouble in our life. 

Monday, June 22, 2015

I see by my eyes

I am afraid that she will get lost I am afraid that after my parents I will get alone I am afraid I will be having no value that's the basic thing we all possess ad that's the main thing which bother in every person life . my life is not a life from rags to riches or much like a travelling job but my life is a simple one a guy got crush on a girl his one aided love fell in a dream fantasy and trying to impress her the best possible way and ended up in meeting another girl and accepting the fate that things are not really in your hands to decide and its matter or chance if you get something good its your luck and if you don't then it is gods will . nobody can control time and people who do they might be doing some sort of magic . not talking about the lateral category and understanding the truth which I am seeing life is most amazing thing happened to us and when when we were born and felt the fresh air of  this world our natural emotion was crying and sleeping and sleeping a lot man .when we grow up we move through different phases child to school going then a collage going where we get laid or achieve awesome from there we start. Our journey to the world of people of different commitments which has maxi man impact on our lives because at this stage the comparison and status matters because people judge you what you are what your family background is what your status what kind of girlfriend you have is she hot or not!!! What is your manner they have kind of certain parameters to judge you completely. In this stage you tend to get  very less people who accept the way you bare and I guess these are those people  who are accepting you the way you are because they have no other choice to accept you because they are themselves rejected and seeking for the rejected people like them. But in this process  you learn this living you also tend to have secrets you get involved in such activities which everybody do but nobody accept openly that he or she do this that hypocrisy I say. Most of the things are related to drinking alcohol smoking taking drugs and most important SEX. Some of the people wanted to do these things  but they don't do it and  suppress their feeling and get trouble in their head of moral conscience .yes people are like that and its really not their fault when they were kid they saw this environment only and they registered such kind out thing that that's the way we live here so they are doing the same what was once seen by them some of them try to reason and very few live the reality. Talking about the freedom among men and women yes women are only physically delicate few of then become bodybuilder and maximum of them are soft spoken still they are considered second rated in India . they are vulnerable but when they mimic the things done by men if she smokes she is showing the signs of slutiness and bitch if she drinks in the company of men she is slut and if she is is doing all of the above she is seen by very strange looks even by other women .that's what I call dubious. In all of these when you get married in India its very important affair
.you get judged maximum its very frustrating when all the relatives all around and many stupid things happens.  After all this life we spent pleasing people and getting pleased. By people we are doing everything what other wants and the way we can get accepted among this society of people. There is one more truth you can't fight  everybody but you definitely can live among them according to the rules of your society ..
Just think it over !!!!!

Whats real ?

I am loveing through a moment of chains around me my life is simple and sober loving on the path of conflicts and confusion when I see people they keep on moving and the love which is along the journey I am moving on . that dream in my eyes that scent of my life that yellow bright sauna and green grass that yellow flower and that tree the essence of the dream is in my mind my thought .I feel like a cool breeze of air is moving all around and all the emotions are pouring heavily in me but after some time it fades away and I feel like a normal being . this life full of imaginative situations is nothing but imagination and merely and illusion in which we all live and wonder from childhood some of them comes out of it and some of them grew I feel like a child like person who demands and always wanted to play and play and want to be happy . the lessons of life I see and lived I want to continue but some people important to me are mature enough to take me along with them to the path they are moving and some of those very important people are scared that they will get hurt from the people around them but I am not afraid and I fight with the remaining people around me and I cease to be a grownup but I am forced to be an adult and I accept I am not .there is all blue sky around me and the bright yellow light I see which changes its colour .life moves on and so do people so what's there which we live for we eat we breath its not we think but to feel the wonders around us think it over the wonders but are they really worth of we are still living in fantasy so what is reality what is this development what is this social gathering the feel of  fear happy sad emotions everything we learn so what's natural .

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

That time of life


Deep down my life I can see my past and if it wasn't you for me I was standing nowhere this little Johnny was to cry everytime . You have become my smile more now and I have many reasons to love you like anything. It's been long time I have been your friend and I see that dream of a quiet place where we will stay
. Our house would be a spacious one one store house with garden around . Our drawing room would be facing garden our personal garden where you can take sun bath even with less restrictions of the things u wanted to wear . Our upper stores will be facing sun set from where during  winter time we can sit and relax in the evening discussing our day what we did in office . Our drawing room would be very spacious and bright with less of antiques but more of modern but cozy room where we would be displaying our photographs and our family photos one wall photograph me mom dad sister  you 
and our children. I can imagine your tired eyes and that silver lining on your hair which makes you more beautiful than anytime. This would be our time of life and yes I believe this would be our 
Time of life.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

The time you gave me :)

I just want to kiss u I alway miss u O my lovely darling I have been waiting for the moment to come when I would be holding your hand and look into  your eyes in which I can see my reflections and your hopes for me. We have travelled a lot a lot since the days my heart was broken it was u who held it and kept it with you until unless it was sewed perfectly from faith you have in me. I always remember the time when you was always there to listen to me and you did not even gave a second thought and boarded flight for me and travelled alone to meet me I did nothing only I was afraid to move ahead but then also you never lose your hope to win me back from my problems which I was facing and see because of your efforts I am your husband today and I proudly say because of your believe in love we are together here today drinking wine in this moonlight holding hands together and listening the silence around a and its our hearts which keep on talking and talking to you..... Oh my lady I miss you ....
gBR:I love you

Monday, May 11, 2015

The confession of a Lie

I often feel guilty of the act that i am not doing things which i am suppose to do. But i keep on repeating the mistakes calling friends watching movies at the time of studying and even fighting with parents. That's my old teenage problem which a  every normal teenager faces. But what about the independence i would like to have in my life where it is i just wanted to explore the things with out  having any judgment by others . I want to get drunk although i dont like its taste have sex with girls flirt more live life laugh more spend most drive BMW make muscular body like that actor hrithik . So what's the matter even if i eat a lot of food this sweetu tooth hearty person want to live what's backing me up from my life rules tradition financial independence customs yes this culture also . Yes i wanted to live free where i am fulfilling the basic need of my life and then living without  distraction but my brother life is full of situations and practical people which are there to give u advices .i always remember somebody said me " dude advice is like an asshole never offer or  accept until asked for. I am expressing what's in my heart but if i see the other side the real one of my feelings for a man these things in a country like India is cool enough  a brave language but this men Dominating society for women and girls it is very difficult to live freely according to free will if she do anything to everything she want she is seen with different and strange eyes of this society . If she is very open with her opposite sex she is consider as slut or a characterless if she is drinking or smoking in society  she is from a bad culture family or often as characterless or it is commented it does not suits a girl. If she abuse in public to others her feminity is challenged in terms of her polite nature. She can't live like men because she is a woman or a girl . She can't express much because what other will think . Yes i am among all those men which say the same when a girl or women wears  clothes which exposed her body or either  men like us will think they are from upper class society people who thinks they wear less clothed because they are more modern. Come on man why we are ka point such society of people who is tolerating such ideas and livings. Sorry folks its India we are not suppose to express these thought because we are those religious people who loves our motherland but tortures and are two faced toward women.